Inventor's Council of Cincinnati


Reasons to Join
Monthly Meetings
ASOTV Special Event
Member Services
Success Stories
Resource Guide
Showcase Your Product
Member SpotLight
Officers & Board of Directors
Other Useful Sites
Contact Us

The Inventor's Council of Cincinnati is a non-profit professional and educational organization of independent inventors, entrepreneurs and those who serve, or are interested in, the product development process.
Membership Dues are as follows:
Individual Membership: $80 1st year, $60 each subsequent year
Corporate Membership: $500 per year *
* Our membership year starts in September and ends in August.
Mail check or money order with your contact information and Email Address to:
Inventor's Council of Cincinnati
PO Box 42103
Cincinnati, OH 45242
For addition information, please supply:

Full Name:
E-Mail Address:

You will receive a reply shortly.

Membership in the Council is open to any individual without regard to age, color, disability, gender, nationality, race, sexual orientation, political or religious affiliations, goals, experience, geography or any other factor.

Inventor's Council of Cincinnati
P.O. Box 42103 * Cincinnati * OH * 45242